
Joined: February 1, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 348665
Gender: F

I'm hanging by a

My name need not be important to you.
I am who I am.
You are who you are.

"Our doubts are
traitors, and make us lose
the good we might often win,
fearing to attempt"





Quotes by Thread

I have an idea: how cool would a Witty Meet-Up be? Everyone could bring nutella and cats and their laptops and just chill in sweatpants. But seriously, lets try and make this a reality. Comment your city or state or whatever and hopefully there will be another Wittian from the same place! :D
Letters to Jem

– 1 –

Dear Jem,
I'm writing to you because I've heard that telling someone the complete truth makes it easier to live life for yourself, and not in wait for anybody else.
And I'm also writing to you because I've heard that you didn't leave what you could have for the tomorrow that never comes and not many people like that exist anymore.
And finally, it goes like this: you are the sun and I am the rainy day.

You were like the fraying edges on a hem, you had an undefinable quality that made each and every part of you unique, and whilst some only saw you for the first layer, you had experiences many things. You didn't speak of these experiences very often, but when you did, you never changed a detail.

They made you who you were, and yet kept you as yourself. I was utterly bewildered by how this can be, but it really is quite clear in hindsight why you do a lot of things as you do. And only in that certain way.

A lot of people have tried to change you, I know. Your parents, when they first found out some of what you did (your smoking drove them crazy), and your teachers, the way you wrote just like the way you spoke and finally, strangers, even those who had merely exchanged eye contact. But the funny thing is, it only added to your experience; none of it ever bothered you. And I guess that's why people are attracted to you.

And I would have said once that the best thing that happened was, I was no different.
I think you know who I am by now, or maybe you don't. Either way, an educated guess will probably prove right, so I see no point in signing off like an ordinary letter.
After all, you weren't ordinary.

not my format:credit to aellyniq

      I  have an idea, it's summer
      » so let's ADD SOME COLOUR into
                   t  h  i  s     black a n d white w o r l d    <<<<<<

If I were to write a story, would anybody read it?
Do you ever wish you weren't yourself?
Like you could be better off as that little irregular shape on the wall right now
Because irregular little shapes don't have to think of things to say,
Or things to do,
Or even bother with the way they are.
Because no one notices them,
And I just kind of really wish I was an irregular little shape.
"Just remember to breathe, you know?
There's so much going out there and it's ridiculous,
You just get sucked in to it,
Like at first it's drawing you in with knowledge as bait,
And once it pulls you in, that's in,
You're in it's vicious cycle and you can't get out.
That's what I hate about change"
Do you ever get that?
That sudden wave of not being good enough
Of feeling worthless, because everyone has something,
Something special about them,
And you're just kind of there,
Wanting to fade into the background?
I just want to scream right now.
Everything is so hard.
Everyone is putting pressure on me.
You have to do this, you have to do that.
But don't worry, it's your choice.
I know I brought this onto myself.
And I know I have nothing else to do but to do it.
Because I have to.
Because otherwise, I will let everyone else down.
And I'll let myself down.
I just can't think straight.
I feel like there's a huge list of things I have to do,
but I can't.
It's just, I want to close my eyes and drift off to sleep.
So I don't have to deal with it.
I'm just going to come straight out and say it.

Everyday, at some point, I look in the mirror for around an hour, and people think I'm just vain but honestly, it's the opposite.
I just point out all of these flaws I have, and spend all that time hating who I am.
You know, it only takes 40 times to do something to get it into a habit,
what I fear is that this is becoming a habit.
And I'm letting all these 'habits' stop me from doing what I want to do.
But it just scares me that even when I get rid of them, I still won't get the guts to do it.
I know nobody is perfect and I know everyone has problems, even the people who seem like they don't, but at least their's aren't ruling their lives.
  Life never stops,
Life will never ever stop. It's like, before you know it, it's a new day, with new people, with new problems.
And you can run away from your problems and spend all that time day dreaming of what everything can turn into, but the truth is, it won't. It won't turn into your reality, and you're just letting all these opportunities pass you by. Maybe they were there for you to grab them, and make a life out of it,but you didn't because all you wanted was that one ideal. But that ideal, it's all in your head and you just can't let go of it.