
Joined: June 27, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 312426
One Direction
Its True...
the sky isnt the limit , your heart is. 

Aaliyah Marie 
hello my name is Aaliyah, but you may call me Lee, Lea,  AJ  or just makeup a nickname for me. (please keep it appropriet) i love my family and friends because if i dont have one of them the other one is there to protect and support me(: and also LET IT SHINE! omg i love that movie i could watch it a bagillion times! my favorite color is any kind of blue because it reminds me of perfect ocean water on a perfect day(: i have four siblings. two sisters and two brothers. their names and ages are (im going oldest to youngest not including me) Chelsie age 6, Bradley age 6, Coby age 4, Madelyn age 4. and before you ask they arent twins, its a long story... so i hope you all hav a good day!

Btw, you can change the title of the box to anything you want.