
Status: Directioner Forever :3
Joined: March 12, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 283203
Gender: F

VickySecret's Favorite Quotes

what we have
\\ is a
when she jumped

she probably thought
she would 
f l y .

Stop with the Harry Potter jokes, like Siriusly!

My mom thinks witty is full of old men.
 Please fave this if you're  not an old man.


Did you know that by
spelling the english word

SOCKS outloud, you are
also saying the spanish phrase
Eso si que es,
which means: 

“it is what is is”.





today marks the 5 year anniversary

since troy and gabriella

met at the ski lodge can

we have a moment of silence



format jimmy365

It's been 2 days since my boyfriend died.
I still can't stop crying..
I know he'd want me to be strong, but I can't, I just can't..
He was too young to die.. He was only 15 years old.
I don't want to live without him.
I don't think I can do this. :'/

Rest In Peace Matthew
(FramingMatthew on Witty)
8/17/1996 - 1/12/2012
I'll never forget you..
I love you.




Think it's cute when guys are good with kids?


    » This is my  1 0 0 0 t h  



To be honest 2012 wasn't the best year for me
even though i found people like one direction
and so many others, i lost all my friends this year
i'm stuck with 3 internet friends  no friends in real life
i'm hoping next year i could change everything

{Don't you see?}
❤ I'm in love with you.