
Joined: June 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 182031
Hello! :D
I'm Ayesha, aka Amy, and I love making friends!
I'm a choco-holic!!! xDD

Quotes by Where_Rainbows_End

You pack the pillows; Ill grab the maps,
Let's cruise miles away, and never look back.
We can hide near the ocean, take a rocket to the moon,
we'll sleep in the shadows, and have fun in the afternoons.
Mornings come and go, but nights will always be the same;
the sky will always be littered, with bright yellow flames.
ll be so beautiful; we'll fly over to mars,
And all the other brilliant planets; well collect several stars.
ll trap them in a box, everything will be right,
and when I travel ahead, you'll follow me into the light.


Dedicated to my two best friends : Alex and VD. xDD