
Joined: December 16, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 251376

Quotes by WishDream16

I'm sitting talking to the
guy I like. He had to get
off the computer, and told
me to text him. Then he
sent me a link to a witty quote.. Now, I think he
may use witty, or just
found the link randomly


   Why do you treat me this way?
Why do I not let what you do get to me? Why am I so damn forgiving?
I can forgive almost anything, no matter how bad.He uses me. He admits it. 
I am okay with it. Why do you not realize how much I like you?
But no, instead you sit here telling me how in love with my best friend,
who has absolutely no feelings for you, you are.I wish I wasn't so afraid to tell you
how I really felt.He told me that I should hate him. He listed reasins why I should hate him.
HE USED ME, for my body. But do I care? No, because I'm too freaking forgiving.
It scares me how much I like you. I have barely been able to say no as aften as I do.
One day, probably soon, I'm gonna give in. If that happens I'll never be able to forgive myself.
But for now, I'll just keep on letting you use me, why? Cause I am STUPID.
 If I could change everything I said that night, I would and I wouldn't be in this position now.


Guess what guys!!! Valentine's Day 2012 has been cancelled! 

It has been proven mathematically! 

14-2- 12-12= 0
It doesn't exist this year! 

No more worrying about being forever alone ♥



2-10-11 ♥ Homecoming 2012 ♥
Even though you asked my best friend to homecoming, it was still amazing ♥ By the way, she doesn't like you like that. But in the end, the night was one I will never forget. ♥♥ We were leaving so you walked her to her car then walked me the rest of the way. :D I wonder how you would react if you knew that because you walked me to the car my mom thinks you're my boyfriend? Even though I had to deny it, my head was like I WISH! I had to make her believe that I don't like you even though i'm hopelessy in love with you. And to make her believe that you don't like me. I may not know how you feel about me anymore, but I wish I did. I will never forget last night ♥♥♥ 
When am I going t realize that it deson't matter if I have liked him for 5 months, if my best friend likes him for 5 minutes he's automatically in love with her. And of course, she gets him then doesn't like him anymore and slowly kills me, becuase he is too addicted to her. I wonder if there will ever be a guy I like who doesn't ask out my closest friends, then she decides she doesn't like him....

Anyone who knows me knows that when I think for too long it's not good. Things must be really bad right now, cause I can't stop thinking. How is it that my best friends always somehow end up liking the same guy I do, except like them less, for a much shorter time, and they are the ones who always end up with him. 

That moment when your best friend tells you she likes the same guy you do.. Why does this always happen to me?    

My dad just came in my room looking to see if I had change for a twenty. So I got my wallet and gave him 4 fives. 
Dad: Are all of these real?
Me: Nope. I have a fake money maker thingy hiding in my closet. 
Dad: Oh, cool does it make anything higher than a five?
Me: It depends on the day!

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