
Joined: December 11, 2005
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 31860
My life is inexplicitly a mere fatige; therefore, I anything I would write would be insignificant to your knowledge and would be an utterly waste of your precious time. =] Now go look that up in your dictonary.

Quotes by Xo_DaNcEr_xO93

We were both standing out in the
rain. I told you to look at all the
rain drops, you did, && I told you
that those are all the tears I've
cried for you. x33
l~i~v~e for [today]
cause {y}{o}{u} will
/n\e/v\e/r\ know w'h'a't
<>could<> *happen* to
YOU t o m o r r o w
It's so hard to say I love you && draw back the
tears. It's so hard, that you're not here to help me
face my fears. It's so hard to know the phone is
right there & I can't here your voice. It's so hard
to see you laughing when I'm crying deep inside.
It's so hard to find feelings & have to make them
hide. It's so hard to live without you when I need
you more each day. I wanna scream how much I
love you, but hold back because I won't be heard.
It's so hard to think you might fall in love with
someone new. It's so hard to sleep at night when I
can't dream of you. It's so hard to start crying when
your favorite song comes on. It's so hard to sit down
&& wonder why you didn't stop me when I was going
wrong. It's just so hard to live without you knowing
I'll never love another person as much as I LOVE YOU.

<33i l o v e h i m s o m u c h<33
<33 Things I LOVE About Him <33

1. The way he knows if I'm mad or sad, even though I have the biggest smile on.
2. The way he'll hug me everyday even if his friends are around.
3. The way he passes me love notes in class... and then he gets caught, but does it again.
4. The way he'll meet me at my locker even though we're on different floors.
5. The way he has me on alert on his buddylist.
6. The way he'll kiss me in the rain.
7. The way he tells me hes beautiful and skinny.
8. The way he strokes my hair.
9. The way he holds my hand when we're just walking together for a couple seconds before class.
10. The way he'll stand up for me if someone says something bad about me.
11. The way he'll put his arm around me in lunch.
12. The way he compliments my clothes every single day.
13. The way he lets me use his hoodie when I'm cold.
14. The way he'll hug me, kiss me, and cuddle with me at the high school football games.
15. The way he'll go to the end of the lunch line just to stand next to me.
16. The way he buys me 25 cent jewelry.
17. The way you slow dance with me at the school dances.
18. The way he draws pictures and slips them gently into my locker slot.
19. The way he shakes my dad's hand, and looks my mom right in the eyes.
20. The way he can spell my full name.
21. The way he talks to my sibblings, like he's their best friend.
22. The way he'll show up at my games, and then suprises me when he cheers in the crowd.
23. The way he can spot me from the end of the hallway.
24. The way he gets me presents and roses for no reason.

25. The way he loves me <33
I've never been the kind to ever let my feelings show
&& I thought that bein' strong meant never losing your
self-control. But I just don't care & I am ready to let
go of my pain. Who cares about my pride, let it fall
like rain from my eyes.

I know I was nothing to youn but you
were definately something to me. <33
Guyz can be best friends, too!!!
You know no matter what happens he will
always mean the world to me. No matter
how bad he hurts me, I will always fogive
him. No matter how much he uses me, I
will always go back. No matter how much
he breaks my heart-I will still love him.


<33 you with all that i have