
Joined: July 26, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 199908
Gender: F

Xoxwendyx3's Favorite Quotes

*Before I read the Hunger Games*
OMG I'd never read those books!! Kids killing other kids who would like that?!?!
*After I read the Hunger Games*
OMFG That was the best series I've ever read I can't wait for the movie!


canadians: american people are so fat
british: american people are fat
chinese: american people are so fat
mexicans: american people are so fat
french: american people are so fat
americans: we are so fat

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I pink


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This is Joseph Kony.
How many slaps can he get?
1 FAVE = 1 Slap

KONY 2012

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you all need a wake-up call or something. I just saw a quote on here that said "I heard you got a new girlfriend; I hope you get her pregnant and she dies." SERIOUSLY? are you kidding me? that's a little harsh.
just because a guy chose some other girl over you, doesn't mean you need to be that extreme. think about it. you've probably done the same exact thing to another guy without even realizing it.
maybe you had a guy friend who was crazy about you, but you were unaware, and you chose a different over him.
quit being selfish.
y'know what? the guy I like chose a different girl over me. and she's one of my best friends.
but you don't see me saying stuff like that about her. I'm happy for him. if she makes him happy, then good for him.
you're all between the ages of .. what .. 13 - 17 maybe?
slow down.
you don't need to be looking for "love" at that age. if you've already found it, awesome. good for you. :)
but seriously. take a chill pill.
enjoy other things in life.
these are supposed to be the best years of your life.
don't spend them getting your "heart broken" by a hormonal teenage boy.

The Best Feeling is When...

When you look at him and he's already staring at you.

if only you saw what I can see,
                                     you'd understand why I want you so d e s p e r a t e l y.