
Joined: August 16, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 86456
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       Where to start. Hmm... this is my secret witty profile away from all my friends. My other one will forever remain a secret!!  I made this profile so i can put up what ever I want without all my friends wanted to know wats up. Sorry but I'm a really closed up kinda person. What's inside me is really hard to explain so I like to keep it all to my self. Which might be a problem but so far I'm doing just fine. The Story Of My Life is full of alot of shit and crap that I would rather not talk about.
       I would like to mention another reason for this profile. I've been writing a story and I've got at least 20 pages typed out and I was hoping everyone on witty could be a major help and read it. Love you all   -anonymous

Amazing Witty People Spot
check out her profile
(great quotes!)

(helped me get my book postings out there)


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Yesss Please!
*i love this one! (made by me) he he yes i made my own fan art!
Made By: polkadot387 Check out her profile

Made By: SoCCerHotZ4LIfe2 (check her out)
story of my life

Date: August 20, 2009
song: Poppin champagne all time low
I didn't get out of my pjs today cuz i didn't have too. Actually I was so lazy that i didn't call any of my friends (who i haven't seen in forever) ha ha  and i didn't call them cuz i have to shave and I didn't want to take a shower right away. So now you know how lazy i am i dont even call my friends cuz i dont feel like taking a shower.... hmmm somthing is so wrong with that. Plus that might have been to much info for some but thats the kinda thing i actualy not afraid to share with people i dont know. he he other stuffs like what goes on in my head is like a complete secret!
!!au revoir!!

Date: August 18, 2009
 song: Butterfly fly away (idk its a sweet song)

So skip yester day and you have today my second day with this profile (he he) so exsiting right. just to let everyone know I am a terrible speller and this thing doesnt have spell check so im screwd. Check out my book, so far im getting good responses with it YIPPY do a little dance now. Like yesterday Im on witty  (alot almost all day) but im also multi tasking and doing my honors history summer work. it sucks balls and i should get back to it. Hoping to hit the pool (in my backyard) today and get some sun if I get around to it. C you and check out my book and comment on it!!
10:33 pm
just got back from soccer stuffs going to hit the shower. Look for the new book postings tomorrow. Warning its only going to be a mini sneak. Have to keep you coming back for more!

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