
Joined: October 19, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 129423


writer, runner, lover, friend.
fav colors lt. turquoise, mint green.


June 21st.

Quotes by _princess_of_theives_

a lasting romance
I wanna have some


 I was 9. He was 12. His Dad was my coach. And he used to come with his Dad to practice. I liked him then. I thought he was adorable. But the next season, I had a new coach. Didn't see him again. Not for a while. But I thought about him a lot. I mean, we had been good friends, in the little kid sort of way. I found out where he lived when my Mom was showing me the house she grew up in. His family bought the house across the street. We said hi because is Dad and he were outside fixing his sister's bike. I was 12. He was 14. But we still treated each other like we always had. He hadn't changed. Beginning of 10th grade I walked into first hour and took a seat. He waltzes in 30 seconds before the bell. I was 14. He was 17. Both of us, shocked to see one another. All year we talked and became closer. Better Friends than ever. A few days ago, he told me that he had enlisted in the Air Force. He told me two months before he leaves. Regardless of the fact that he's known for four. He said he didn't want to tell me, because he was worried about my reaction. I told him I was proud of him. And that I was worried, but I was sure it would be good for him. I proceeded to cry after I was done talking to him. When he found out how upset I was he came to comfort me. He told me that no matter what he would come back. And that he would make sure I would be the first person to know. And I still can't sleep, because I wake up crying because I keep dreaming that he's dead. And I know that I'm pushing my friends away, but I still can't stop myself from doing so. The only person I want to talk to is him. But I can't tell him how upset I am. I don't want him to feel bad, or be upset, or know how I feel.  And the worst part is, I love him. And it's taken me 5 1/2 years to realize it. I can't say that he won't come back. Because he will. But he won't be the same. He just won't. He won't be the little kid I grew up with. I keep getting this horrid image of something making a loud noise, and seeing him cry because of what he's seen. It's not that I don't want him to go. Because this is what he wants. It's what he thinks it best. But I'm so worried. And I love him. And when he found out that I was upset, the day after he told me, his exact words were,
"I promise I'll come back. I love you."
I just hope he's right.



March 8th, 2011



Right now I'd like to hit you with a large object...
...perhaps an elephant...


i love you. 

I thought you might like to know.
Cause while you are out with her...
I'll still be here, waiting for you.
Waiting in the wing.
Cause baby life is a play,
and I'm supposed to be center stage.
But now I'm just an understudy,
to you and your sick little games.


How do you know that he's the one?
he says 'you're beautiful.'
and you actually believe him.



Okay, so...

I was out of my house for a few days, I spent the night at a friends for two nights.

And last night, my parents got my little brother to go to bed early.

So, I got home today, and I'm sitting in front of the heat vent in the dining room when my little brother walks in. He saw me and ran over. He said...

"Thank God your back! Last night, I got out of bed to tell Mommy I didn't feel good, and I peeked in her room, and Daddy had her over his knee, and he was
SPANKING her. And he said to her, 'You've been a bad, bad girl, and bad girls HAVE to be punished.' And I got scared and ran back to bed. I don't know what she did, but I'd hate to be her."

I laughed so hard I almost peed myself.

Best Part...When my mom sat down for dinner...she winced.

I dont know if i should be super disturbed, or really amused.


I'm 5'1"  not made of glass 
 call me fragile,   I'll kick   your --

Why hello,
School Closing's List...

I'm going to stalk you.
