
Joined: April 22, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 167839

Upside down, who's to say what's impossible and can't be found?

i'm dominique. i'm fourteen. i love graphic design and editing. i'm really sweet & this is totally unoriginal.

Quotes by abcdomo

i hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.
i hate the way you drive my car. i hate it when you stare.
i hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my 
mind. i hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me
rhyme. i hate it, i hate the way you're always right. i hate the 
way you lie. i hate it when you make me laugh, even worse
when you make me cry. i hate it when you're not around, and
he fact that you didn't call. but mostly i hate the way i don't
hate you. not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.


i'll follow you into the dark

baby, i'm in desperate need of your affection.~*

boy you got my heartbeat runnin' away,
beating like a drum and it's coming your way, 

boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass. ~*


oh my god, i hope all you girls who are making quotes about all the boys on here know you're only promoting the boys. the more you complain about them, the more girls are gonna go and look for them on this site. if you really didn't care, you wouldn't be making quotes about them, and if you really hate them as much as you claim you do, you wouldn't make quotes about them either, so really, give it up. i'm just sayin'.

After telling you he loved you, and calling you pet names like baby and cutie? Yeah, I know he
lavished you with in compliments, only to put himself down so you would stroke his fakely low
ego. Did he tell you that you were beautiful? I bet he promised you a personalized song. Or
maybe he'd always mention how he was lying in bed and wished you were there. He dragged
"I love you" out of you, didn't he? Yeah, don't deny it. He would talk to you last thing at night
and first thing in the morning. He constantly mentioned losing sleep over you, every night,
but we both know he slept like a rock. He made you love pictures that were just sort of "bleh"
before. Did you delete those pictures after he broke your heart? Yeah, me too. All of your 
friends hate him now, don't they? Remember how happy they were for you? They warned
you. Just remember, it's okay to cry. And referring to him as an "a s s h o l e" is perfectly
expected. Because, believe me, you'll end up talking about him just as often, if not more, than
the break up. There will be the "one times," and the "I remembers," and once you think 
you're over him, watch out. You better keep your eyes closed in the hallways, because I
promise you, the next time you see him, he'll be all over some other chick that popped into
his life. A little part of you will want to warn her, but nobody will blame you for hating her
and blaming her for your pain. Yeah, you'll compare all guys to him, because aside from the
man-whorish, heart-breaker thing, he was perfect. He was everything you had ever 
wanted. Or maybe you made that up. Maybe, the second he started showing interest, you
made up this perfect guy in your head, and he just happened to be just like him. Listen,
you will find the perfect guy for you just like everybody says you will, and it will be soon.
Okay, so I didn't believe it either, but I'm starting to. The most important thing though
is don't let him know he hurt you. Don't let him know he could have you back in a heart
beat. Don't give him that satisfaction. Make him think you're completely happy. When
he decides to wave at you like nothing ever happened, wave back. But don't smile.
Make him think he meant as little to you, as you obviously meant to him.

Call me crazy, but all I want from you is for you to care. You know, care about me the way I care about
you. I want you to pick up the phone at four in the morning when I'm calling because my parents got in
a fight and my dad stormed out. I want you to show up at my door step and tell me that everything is
going to be okay. I just want you to be the person I'm in love with. I need you to care about me like I
care about you. I love you and if that's not a good enough reason to care about someone the same way
they care about you, then I don't know what is. Just try for me? I ask you this because believe it or not

I              N         E         E         D               Y         O         U 

i'm still addicted to the things you do, cause in the end, there ain't no separating me & you.~*