
Joined: December 31, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 257757
Hii(: My name's Melissa I blow out my candles on May 31. LostFollow me. I follow back
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Quotes by adrianaxo104

All of the love disappeared. 

If he doesn't care,
neither should you.

When die,

My friend will go to my funeral.
A good friend will cry at my funeral.
But my best friend will change my facebook status to 'Chillin with Jesus'

n    ot my format
*waiting outside the lines by greyson chance

Apple wanted to make an iTouch for 

kids, but they canceled the idea 

because it was called' iTouch Kids.

Fave if you get it

Format Credit:twilightgirl995

Fave if you say;
»»"Suck my dick"
but you're a girl♥

Only Ninja's can read this quote.

  >>Scroll down<<




Congratulations, You're A Ninja. Fave So Everybody Knows You're A Ninja.

What's on your mind?
Facebook, if I really said what was on my mind, I wouldn't have any friends.


Admit it;

You miss someone right now.

They're 7 billion people,
201 countries,
5 oceans,
7 continents,
and I'm l
ucky to have met you
Format by: kaepow NMF

Emotionally: I'm done.

Mentally: I'm drained

Spiritually: I'm drained

Physically: I smile.