
Joined: April 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 164985

How To:
All you need to do is leave a comment below explaining ;

1) What you need advice on, (For example, leave a story of what happened, or whatever works for you.)
2) Tell me how urgent you need a response back. I will get back to everyone with my honest opinions and advice!
For right now, I'll be checking this account everyday. I'll respond to everyone as quickly as I can.

July 18 - July 22 , I won't be online because I'll be on vacation.
(Just a heads up in advance, even though It's months from now.)
After I give advice to any of you, if you could give me some feedback and how it was, and what I should improve on, it would be appreciated.

Thanks! :)
Contact me!

Main Account

If you need to contact me somewhere else other than here for some reason, the link up there is my main account, just leave a comment! :)

-Leave a comment on this account, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I check this every day, so you'll get a response in at the most 1 or 2 days. I'll update you all on when I'll be out at any time.
Advice Anyone?

Hey everyone. :) This is a brand new account that I made for anyone who needs advice and doesn't know who to go to. Just leave a comment below, and I will help you out as best I can. :) A link to my main account is above in the "Contacts" section. I'll be on this every day, and when I won't be on for any reason like vacation, or something that comes up, I'll update this. Have a great day, everyone. (:

Love, Adviceforyouu

Quote Comments by adviceforyouu