
Joined: January 20, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 265737

Quotes by againstSOPA

so I've seen on a couple of sites now of people doing this and I thought it's time someone told everyone on Witty.
The reason why they came up with SOPA is because people use copy righted things alot on the internet (watching movies and listening to songs with out buying them) the media, music and movie companies got mad.
Because of SOPA you can go to jail for having a youtube video with someone elses song or even giving a link to a video like that to someone over the web. Youtube will be closed down if SOPA passes along with alot of other sites. Maybe even facebook.

So to fight back against the media, music and movie companies people decided that for the whole month of March in 2012 they wont buy any music (download, cd anything), watch any movies at theaters, or buy any movies, books or magazines from stores. You only have to hold off for one month from going to see that movie that looks good or buying that book. It will leave them with no profits at all for one month, this will show them that we wont tolerate what they are doing to our internet.

I'm not saying anyone here has to do this but other sites posted things telling people about this so I thought Witty should know too. So please, fave this so people will see it. I even made a seperate account for this to show I'm not just doing this for faves.
If you don't agree with it then you don't have to fave, I just thought Witty might want to be invovled.