
Joined: November 10, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 57544

Quotes by agawakbabe97

Everything happens for a reason...
Sometimes I lay in my bed all ngiht and think of this... Well theres a reason I'm not with him. Maybe he doesnt need me or want me:(. Then I think theres also a reason I cant stop thinking about him. There might be something that can happen.
But then the other night I relized...
I just want to feel loved and feel amazing and important to someone. But with boys what can you tell they love you so much one day and the next they brake up with you. It's not like I need  a boyfriend. I just want one. I wont ever marry this kid were in middle school...
Everything happens for a reason. And all I hope is g-d does what he needs for me to find the best boyfriend while it lasts. Just because I want one...

=)....kindaaa makes senceee

Ever had those nights where...
♦You want to start crying all the time
♦You want to take the picture of ~him~ and  just rip it up or sometimes kiss it!
♦You just want him in your heart...

Well every night has been like that I cant get over you!</3


Its hard to forget the one that you shared your first love with. Your first kiss with, and the one that would stay up texting you till 1:00 just because your scared and dont wana live. The one that would tell you, your pretty and special when I havent heard that in so long. Even with the two boys I've dated I fall back for you. I cant control it you hurt me so bad and I was crying. I just dont wana go back to you but theres somehting in my heart that leads me your way. Im scared to text you because you might think Im annoying and weird. Well babe we dated before and I wish we never broke up. I just cant stand it anymore. I wana tell you how I feel I love you more then I ever did...
                            ME! PLEASE

Venting=(i cant forget about him=(....lazyyy
Listening to your heart always helps but sometimes you loose something that mean't so much to you you didn't even know..=(

Im starting...
To see who my true friends are and who was never a true friend and sometimes it hurtsalot but thats what everyone has to go through...
Sometimes all I want to do is grow up and become a parent and get married so I can forgot about all my mistakes in my teenage years...</3
•And most of all life and loving<3

Everyone has had relationship troubles, and im no exception. We know we can get hurt, but everyone wants to feel loved so we put up with the pain...</3
Love doesn't make the world go round....
It's what makes it worth while....<3