
Joined: July 30, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 84487

Quotes by alwaysrequest

I know this isnt a quote but. I have been on vacation. and i want some requests thankss<3
Would you rather;;
Would you rather always get first dibs or the last laugh?

( open discussion, comment )
Can you people make me some fanart?
I would really appreciate it.
and thank you.

* I think I deserve it. Because I help everyone else,
and I always make fanart for people.
BTW; if someone else wants fanart besides me then requestt.

Hey witty users (:
I would like some fanart.
I have made a lot of fanart,
and helped a lot of people.
and I think I deserve some.
I would def. appreciate it;;
Thank you♥
Hey, I do fanart.




anything you like!
Just comment my profile.
and I will give you the code / link.

FanArt contest!
•it has to be original
•it has to be in by August 2nd.

when you are done with it leave the link on my profile.

I will follow you.
I will promote you.
And the art work on my profile.
And I will write a quote about you.

Hey, I do fanart.




anything you like!
Just comment my profile.
and I will give you the code / link.

Hey I make FanArt*
Just comment this or the profile and
tell me what you think you want and I will make it happen* I guarantee it.
I will give you the url.

I will try to get back to you as soon as I can.
This is a scroll box with a yellow
inner background.

I do take requests at my profile for scroll boxes, fades, fan art, and much more! dont remove the credit at the bottom!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use my request forms to make a request, if you don't, I won't make it for you. Sorrrrrry(:

Contest Time*
Hey everyone. Its alwaysrequest* and I am having a contest.

The Prize?
your fanart goes on my profile. I will follow you
and I will say why ur awesome on my profile. Also, I will make a quote saying to go to ur profile* Just send me the url to the picture on my profile comments. This will end by August 5th.

Thank you* I will keep you updated*