
Joined: July 9, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: May 20
user id: 115595
Location: Pennsylvania
Gender: F
Welcome to my page. I'm alysia now fucofalready.
 I am sixteen years old. I am currently a junior in high school. I really like going to concerts/gigs/shows and acting like a complete asshole.
And every now and then I enjoy going urban exploring. I love nature. I'm a feminist, athiest, punk rock enthuisast, and an anarchist. I'm utterly
obsessed with Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Dope, Mushroomhead, Ventana, Tool and A Perfect Circle. I'm all about the grunge, punk krock, progressive
rock bullshit. I don't go on here very often.

If you want to contact me, do so through my other sites as I am rarely on here.
tumblr: another-junkhead
twitter: ven_tana

 Thank you for visiting my page.
 not my format.


alyssaalyssa's Favorite Quotes


Today i slipped in the shower and tried to grab onto the water to catch myslef.
It didn't work.


i'm someone who drinks hot 

chocolate in the summer

and eats ice cream in the winter♥


Fave if you like any of these youtubers


Comment which one! My bro is.. Chrisroughleytv :) true

Mentally Planning
What you're going to wear tomorrow.♥

 Mr. Krabs: "I didn't wanna say this in front of Patrick Spongebob, but that hat makes you look like a girl."

Spongebob: *blushing* Am I a pretty girl?"



On September 15th write
witty <3

on your hand and look for others with the same mark!
i wonder how many people at my school have witty =D

Format by Sandrasaurus



I hate when
you can't talk because you're about to cry