
Joined: July 9, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 192722

hhey guys!  my name is meg,  &im a frosh in highschool(: 
 --i absolutly L <3 V 3,
    * volleyball
    * basketball
    * art
    * photography
    * texting,tumbling,fbing,utubing,skyping
    * ariana grande*taylor swift*

love yah karrie! follow her: karrieson

arianaxogrande's Favorite Quotes

You   realize   your   childhood   is

over  when   you   fall   asleep   on   the


and wake UP ON THE COUCH. 

format by sandrasaurus

Shout Out 
to all the MOMS
who made the world a better place
by giving birth to HOT kids
Love You Mom 

Scary movies and cuddeling with my boyfriend.  
Oh wait... I don't have a boyfriend....
where's my dog.



Dear Witty Girls,

My name is Kendall. I am a witty boy. I am not like other boys in some ways, but in other ways I totally am. I am into almost every single sport. But I am sesitive. I want a girl who I can protect and comfort. I want to be the one keeping them safe. If you want to chat, I am always avalible. Just comment on my profile! <3


The Awkward Moment when: 
The guy who discovered milk, has to explain what he was doing to the cow...

Me: Mom I have never sworn in my life.
Mom: Yeah and I'm a virgin.
Me: Touche

Format by Sandrasaurus

♪ One step at a time ♫

Now thats real music =)


forgeterr's signature format. Please don't remove credit. Or I will hunt you down. You do NOT want to get on my bad side.

I was about to fall for you
again, but then I remembered that I dont mean anything to you anymore .

bf: "we have nothing in common!"
me: *whispers* "do you like chocolate?"
friend: "chocolate, bringing couples closer together"


I like my best guy friend.
He knows.
He like's me too.
5 faves and I'll do something daring.
{Comment what you think I should do}
