
Joined: June 22, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 186096
Hi im ashley && i love Justin Bieber. Taylor Swift is my idol. my favorite color is purple, i have alot of friends, & im a veryy nice person!(:

ashhmccarthyy06's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.

That akward moment when

you open your wardrobe to find Narnia, but end up in the Monster inc. factory instead


My Biggest Fear

is becoming a star and not being able to draw the Disney Channel logo with my glow stick...

if the world
dosen't end on December, 21st 2012,

I have a feeling
a lot of babies will be born on September 20th, 2013.



Oh guys, I can't handle all these notifications. 

I won't be impressed with technology
until I can download food.

Me: time for another lousy day of school. :/
Bed: but baby, you want comfort, i can tell. I'm here, don't leave.


You look familar..
Who do I look like?

My next girlfriend ♥

That nervous feeling in your stomach when you read a text that says
"can i ask you something?"
kinda nmq


you say you curse instead of cuss