
Joined: December 23, 2006
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 42914
just trying to find my place in this world...... love my girls so much♥

Quotes by babiigirl93

&& from that day on;
she decided she was going to be recklessly happy
and not give a damn.
Do you know how great it feels to be loved?
I do.
But I also know how bad if feels
When you don't love him back.
And I just don't get it;
Why can't you see?
when I say that I dont care,
it means I really, really do.

Dear Heart,
          I'm sorry that you've been working overtime lately. I know the effect he has on you. But don't give up, we have a lot more races to finish ;)
              Love always,

                                 Your body
I used to think that i fell for the:
then i realized;
they're all like that.
don't worry;
it only hurts when i breathe
i miss him oh so much
his kisses so sweet
i ache for his touch
a kiss on the cheek
anything to know he still loves me
STOP the heartbreak
Can I take you home?
I know it's wrong
but I know your type.
A kid asked Jesus "how much do you love me?'' Jesus replied "i love you this much", streched his arms on the cross and died for us. If u belive in God repost this if not ignore this and know you have broke God's heart!!!