
Joined: October 23, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 91902

Quotes by beautifuldaysx

I feel like I'm on the verge of blowing up.
All the stress and pressure and anxiety bubbling up, but I'm never able to let it out.

I just keep it inside.

that awkward moment when
none of your friends are online, and none of them are picking up their phone either, and you're like,
"omg are they all having a party without me?"


Lesson in Life
A wise man sat in the audience and cracked a joke.
Everybody laughs like crazy.
After a moment, he cracked the same joke again.
This time, less people laughed.
He cracked the same joke again and again.
When there is no laughter in the crowd, he smiled and said:
You can't laugh at the same joke again and again, but why do you keep crying over the same thing over and over again?

the only person that can hold you back is yourself


are you the kind of person you would want to spend time with?


So there's a lion and a cheetah racing,
the cheetah wins and the lion says, "hey, you cheetah!"
then the cheetah says, "no, stop lion!"



so i was texting my mom the other day...
me: there's a bee in the house!!!!!
mom: cool!! play with it!!

oh, mo t h e rs :)

i have never known anyone who actually
believed that i am enough.