
Joined: September 17, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 125256

'Coz you've got that one thing.

You don't know you're beautiful


Baby, you light
up my world like nobody else,               

The way that you flip your hair
gets me overwhelmed.. <3


Never forget the past, but

never let it affect the




Hunger Games!

Never let the fear or striking out, keep you from playing the game.

Every Second Is A Chance To Turn Your Life Around....




Swimming fish


To the people who love 

One Direction & The

Hunger Games<3


I Love Chicken!
Fried, Boiled, KFC,


Quotes by beautifulprincess168

A girl cant love a million boys
but she can love one in a million ways <3

Had a dream about him then wishing it was true
If only I could see a light on top of every boys head to see whether they like me or not :)

I never really liked you 'till i found out you liked me so i started liking you too xxx

When you get dared to ask someone out and they say yes :O
Sitting in the passenger seat of the car, hair messed, just lookin out, dad about to park on your drive...
Then a hot boy is outside.....

sit up staright....flatten hair......roll up sleeves...tell dad you need the loo so he can stop the car and you can get up before he goess...

fave if you've evr done this <3
Feel like my heart's Titanic

and you're the iceberg
Teacher goes blah...blah....blahhh about lesson

You just look out the window and wonder what he's up to now.....

Great, Incredible, Interesting...

I was describing the relationship that we can

never have </3

Don't follow where the path leads,
Don't walk down a path that you see,

Infact forget about paths and make a trail

which other people can follow to get where you are <3
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