
Joined: March 19, 2014
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 380099


You can find me on he north side of
town in a two dollar t-shirt.
concerts | tea | lydia


Quotes by blissful

I can imagine it perfectly. Going home after a day of school and making camp on the couch. Ordering a pizza and watching movies until your parents tell us to go to bed. We would never listen to them though. Instead we would go up to your room and flick the tv on low and just sit and talk for hours.

I can imagine it perfectly.

The problem with imagining, though, is that it's never quite real. You can wish and hope for days on end but you'll never actually be there, where you wish to be. 375 miles of land seperates us and I'd walk every inch if it meant I could stay with you.
