
Status: the sky is the limit.. ♥
Joined: August 7, 2011
Last Seen: 5 years
user id: 204850
Gender: F
My favorite quotes are "dream in color" & "the sky is the limit." I have an amazing family & for the most part, pretty great friends who are crazy but always there for me. I love to eat snacks but I want to start eating healthier for the volleyball & track season. I love wrinting peoms & if you want to know more just comment or talk to me. FOr the most part, i am very nice(:

Quotes by briabot16

When a guys impressed
that you know something about sports.



I've be depressed.
I've been upset.
Ive been scared.
I've been angry.
I've been hurt.
I've been guilty.
I have been there too.

So don't say I haven't.


format cred to rec0ver

Yelling Bingo

When you don’t even have it people mad.

That awkward moment when..

There's not crazy-butt kids coming and knocking upon my door, so I don't let them in...

No, we are not just strangers to each other.

We are family.

So, if Witty does end, remember to be strong.

And that we will always be with eachother.

Family forever.


My imaginary friend

Thinks you have

             serious mental issues. 

format ThatsSoMeee ♠
Having to change the channel

w h e n  o n e  o f  t h o s e

s a d  a n i m a l  c o m m e r c i a l s 

c o m e   o n  


Right now,

I feel like I'm

Losing everyone....

Thirty day challange..Letters:

Day 1:  your best friend.
Day 2: your crush
Day 3: parent(s)
Day 4: sibling(s)
Day 5: your dreams
Day 6: stranger
Day 7: bf/gf/love/crush
Day 8: favorite internet friend
Day 9: someone you wish you could meet
Day 10: someone you dont talk to as much as you want to
Day 11: a deceased person you would wish to tak to
Day 12: person you hate the most
Day 13: someone you wish you would forgive
Day 14: someone you drifted away from
Day 15: person you miss the most
Day 16: someone who is not in the state/country
Day 17: somone from your childhood
Day 18: the person you wish you would be
Day 19: someone who pesters your mind (good or bad)
Day 20: the one who broke ur heart
Day 21: somone you judged by your first impression
Day 22: someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23: last person you kissed
Day 24: the person who gaved you the best memory
Day 25: the person who is going thru the worst day
Day 26: the last person you gave a pinky promise to
Day 27: the friendlyiest person you knew from one day
Day 28: someone who changed your life
Day 29: the person you want to tell everyone to
Day 30: the reflction in the mirror.

Dear Shelby,
   I don't know what i would do without you. You have been through everything with me. You are always there to talk to and we always have so much fun when we hang out! I love you best friend! :) ♥
     -Gabriella ♥

For every fave I get,
I will write something
on your profile
that will make you smile ♥
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