
Joined: July 9, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 115614

sick :/
im the most heartless girl you will ever meet. Ive been hurt way too much. I dont love anything or anyone anymore. Im also super smart. 
Things i hate;;
school, people, birds, bugs, fish, dresses, cocky people, people who try to put me down and people.
(c) SimpleLayouts

Quotes by brit4lifexx21

 i asked my

social studies

teacher why we

need to learn

about history

his response:

we can either repeat history or learn from it 


not my format but the rest is mine credit to whoever had this format


I was awesome as a kid
my sister j u s t  told me when i was l i ttle and i went 
to the nail salon
and when the ladies tried to talk to me 

i would say

"jkabfesghndfj gufhesgkhukgjrdhufehw"

and my sister would ask why i would do that

my response:

"im talking like them"



i love myself    

not my format




I was going to go onto witty 

When it said:

to many witty people are doing to many witty things

made my day :)

fav ? <3 

not my format 

Long but worth it :)
i was on the witty page for facebook...
i went to discussions and i saw this one girl wrote "10 year olds shouldnt be allowed on witty they dont know what real heart break is like". And  when i saw that my heart sank. Just because you're younger doesn't mean you can't expirence heartbreak. Love comes in all different forms shapes and at different ages. Just because you're older doesn't mean you know what true heartbreak is. We are all a witty family.... We don't disclude people because of age or race... No matter how old you are or how hard your life is we should support each other.
Fav if you think that was wrong
And comment if you don't


all mine(;

I had to write a piece on myself

i didnt go to my mom

i didnt go to my dad

i didnt go to my sister

i went to my best friend she knows me better then i know myself :)

go follow believegirlxx28


My best friend...

is the only one who can judge me...

shes the only one who knows my story..

so whats your name again?!



sometimes you either need to:

let go


hold on

screw your head

and follow your heart <3

all mine but not my format



credit to phenomenal&lyssaroo7 for the format

life is like a book

you need to know when to end the chapter 

what characters shouldn't be in the next chapter

and who should die next ;)

all minee <33 

you know what i hate?

i can't even look you in the eyes anymore
thanks to her...

all mine not my format


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