
Status: follow me for a follow back!
Joined: January 14, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: July 11
user id: 146400
Location: United States
Gender: F
Follow me and I will follow back!

Hi! I'm Rachel! I'm 15 and from the United States! I love to cheer and dance. I always follow back too!! Check out my quotes and maybe fave a few? It would mean so muvh to me! Love you all!
Other places to find me:
Twitter: rachelnoelx
Instagram: rachelnoelx

Layout Credit

Quotes by cheerchic9711

I'm tired othe same olgames 

          If you know what was best for you, then don't lie to a girl.
Dear players,

Find someone who wants to play your game.

Sincerly, girls done with bullsh*t

I have seen so many rude people today...
i have seen probably 15 different people tell 4 different people to kill themselves today. what the f*ck is wrong with people? what makes you think it is okay to tell someone to kill themselves? people are to quick to judge other people they do not know. You do not know if this person is self harming, or you a might cause them to start self harming because of your cruel words. so f*ck you. people need to understand what they might actually make these people do to themselves. Any kind of hate and mean remarks is rude and wrong. From calling someone ugly, to calling someone fat, to telling someone to kill themselves. I'm so done with all this hate and every one needs to stop and GROW THE F*CK UP! 

B*tch  d0n't  play  games  with  me
I'll cut you


format credit to OneDirection

If you reall"loved" me,
you would put in the effort to see me. Not make up
lame excuses.

Here's to the girls that have,
fallen for a guys game and ended up heart broken.


I have two best friends,

their names are headphones and internet.


One  million  memories 
ten thousand inside jokes.
  one  hundred  shared  secrets
one reason:
Best friends


I  said  I  love  you.
you said it too.
 The  only  difference?

I didn't lie.


format credit to OneDirection

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