
Joined: December 28, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 142576

I'm using vividdreamer now, so fave and comment there(:

Quotes by craziemaeveie

i don't freaking care if you have the most amazing profile ever.
if theres automatic music playing,

even angels have their wicked schemes,

and   you   take   that   to   new   extremes.

but you'll always be my hero,

even though you've lost your mind.


i don't know why.
after six years,



and an age difference

i always come back to you.

am i the only one who listens 

to         a     
love     song, 


and wonders if anyone has ever thought of me while listening to it?


i love those quotes

that have a thousand faves, but no comments.

It shows that no matter how much Witty is changing, we can all silently get along and agree with each other.
It gives me a sliver of hope for Witty.


last night,
I had this dream where the guy I like (who I'm close with) had a girlfriend.
In the dream, I accidently drowned her in the pond in front of my house.
I woke up smiling. (:


ugly, but worth it.
ok, so witty girls, i was thinking. every single top quote is pretty. we all know it. what if there was one week where we used no formatting at all, just black and white quotes? we wouldn't be able to judge quotes on their appearances, and we'd see who really deserved top quote.
would anyone else want to do this with me? comment on here or my page if youre interested.♥

That don't apply to anyone..

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