
Joined: September 24, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 89769

daiseylove333's Favorite Quotes


girlfriends wished their boyfriends knew. -
- I want you to hug me from behind, unexpectedly. 
- I want you to give me your hoodie when I'm cold. 
- I want you to hold me & keep me warm. 
- I want you to cuddle with me and watch movies together.
- I want you to kiss me in the rain.
- I want you to hold my hands and play with my fingers.
- I want you to play with my hair.
- I want you to take amazing photos with me.
- I want you to come to my house and meet my family.
- I want you to lay on my bed with me and just hold me.
- I want you to let me dress you up and make you look silly.
- I want you to watch sunrise with me.
- I want you to give me piggy back rides daily.
- I want you to kiss my nose.
- I want you to wipe my tears away.
- I want you to tell me that you miss me already even if we were together five minutes ago.
- I want you to drop everything and hug me tight.
- I want you to take me on a picnic.
- I want you to snuggle with me in the movie theaters.
- I want you to squeeze me as hard as you can when you hug me.
- I want you to smile every single time you see me.
- I want you to know how much I love you.
- I just want you.


favorite this and: 
I will write a guy's name that sounds good with yours!!

not looking for favs just bored!!!
This quote does not exist.

who else thinks it's cute
when he brushes hair out of your face? ♥





who else thinks it's cute
when a guy hugs you... from behind? ♥




who else thinks it's cute
when a guy plays with your hands? ♥


I bet I know you.
You're a teenage girl, anywhere from 11 to 18. You're in Middle school or High school, but secretly all you want is to go back to Kindergarten. You love rain, deep conversations with your friends, and you flip your pillow to the cold side. You have a crush on a boy, who you think about every minute of every day. You think you love him. You take showers, not to get clean, but because you need to think. You use Facebook a lot, but Witty is your real home. Your legs are crossed and your computers on your lap, your sitting with a hair tie on your wrist and your left hand on your face. You're not the most popular girl in your grade but honestly you don't care. You love Taylor Swift and you have at least one song that describes your life. There's one girl that you dsperately wish you could look like, even if it's a celebrity or a girl in your school, even though you're beautiful. &Right now, you're scrolling through these Witty quotes, reading this one and nodding, even though the one thing that's on your mind is...


fave if any of these apply to you♥ nmf, nmq 

There ar e lot of  people  who
call you by your name .
 only one



How to annoy your parents


1. Follow them around the house everywhere.


2. Moo when they say your name


3. Pretend that you have amnesia.


4. Say everything backwards.


5. Run into walls.


6. Say that wearing clothes is against your religion.


7. Go into their room at 4 am and say "Goodmorning sunshines!"


8. Snort loudly when you laugh, then laugh harder.


9. Have 20 imaginary friends that you talk to all the time.


10. Pluck someones hair out and yell "DNA!"


11. In public yell "No mom! I will not snog you!"


12. Talk to a pen.


13. Switch the light botton on and off for a while then yell "OH! I GET IT!!"


14. Try to climb the wall.


15. Hold their hand and whisper to them "I can see dead people"


16. Eat your hair


17. At everything they say, yell "LIAR!"


18. When you take a shower yell "I'M DROWNING!"


19. Tap on their door all night and say "Help me ajhsdbkzjhvb"


20. Talk to the commercial guy on the TV about your problems.



If you had a girlfriend how would you treat her?
Touch her waist. Actually talk to her. Share secrets with her. Give her 1 of my sweatshirts. Kiss her slowly. Hug her. Hold her. Laugh with her. Invite her everywhere. Hangout with her and my friends together. Smile with her. Take pictures with her. Pull her onto my lap. When she says she loves me more, i would deny it. Always hug her and say hi whenever i see her. Kiss her unexpectedly. Hug her from behind around the waist. Tell her she's beautiful. Tell her the way i feel about her. Open doors for her. Tell her she's my everything. Make her feel loved. Kiss her in front of OTHER girls i know. Take her ANYWHERE she wants. Text messege or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at school, and how much i MISS her. Be there for her when ever she needs me, & even when she doesn't need me, just ill be there so she'll know that she can ALWAYS count on me. Hold her close when she's cold. While in the movies, put my arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on my shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her LIGHTLY. When people DISS her, stand up for her. Look deep into her EYES and tell her i love her. Lay down under the STARS and put her head on my chest so we can cuddle. When walking next to each other grab her HAND. When i hug her HOLD her in my arms as long as possible. Call or text her EVERY night to wish her SWEET DREAMS. COMFORT her when she cries and wipe away her tears. Take her for LONG walks at night. ALWAYS remind her how much i love her. Sit on top of her and tell her how much i love her and then bend down to her face and kiss her while sitting on her. If her hair is in her face move it out of her face and then kiss her gently. Surprisingly sneak up on her and hug her from behind. Kiss her in the rain. Pick her up like in The Notebook and kiss her. Slow dance with no music. Love her, kiss her, hold her.