
Joined: May 28, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 303593

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Quotes by deuces101

There's this girl. We never talked much until this year. But this year we became b e s t f r i e n d s. But something changed... She started talking to my other best friends All.The.Time. Then she became bestfriends with them. She eventually started hanging out with them And the worst part? They chose her over me.
I was with him last night. We were laying down the whole time. But guess what. We cuddled. And layed there with my head on his chest, his arms tighly around me. And you know what? It was perfect.
Girl; Was it easy?

Boy; Was what easy?

Girl; Deciding you didnt need me anymore. Walking away with barely a goodbye. Ignoring me like we were nothing, acting like we were strangers. Not thinking of me, regretting losing me. Forgetting everything we ever were. Finding other girls, prettier ones that were ... just better. I know it was not easy for me, but was it easy for you?

No one will probably read this , because its not pretty . But for those who do , thankyou .

Over the past year I cut a lot . Last yeae was when I started, and I did it pretty often. My friends and family saw it and begged me to stop. But guess what? Its not that easy. Counseling didn't help. I was and still am in my own kind of depression... But on my birthday, two weeks ago, I promised myself I wouldn't cut. For the whole year. And by then I wouldn't be addicted, the pain would be over. I've wanted to everyday since then. But I'm trying to be strong. Its hard but im trying ... wish me luck witty (:


BravoSierra's format (=
Hated by many, wanted by plenty, disliked by some,            but confronted by none 



Why Is it that we love the ones that ignore us ...
and ignore the ones that love us?