
Joined: July 9, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 51912

Quotes by dolphinonskates

I was younger, and I asked my mom about why Taylor Swift sang about how much love hurt, if love was supposed to make you feel good.
"Because", she answered, "that's just how love is." <3
CrushingxoHard: i need help with spanish homework

okay. what?

CrushingxoHard: what does te amo mean?

xxThatBoyxx: i love you

CrushingxoHard: omg! really? i love you too!!!

We play for the madness
We play for the tears
We play for the laughter
We play for the fears
We play for the hope
We play for the team
We are the players that are

Chasing The Dream

change it up with your team colors? 
63.8% of statistics are made up on the spot.

(get it?)

Hear those silver bells? It's Christmas time in the city.
Some families actually do make the Yuletide gay, managing to leave their troubles
far away.
Other families have a merry little Christmas even when their troubles
aren't so far away.
Some presents might end up getting returned. Some gifts
are for keeps.
Other presents come when you least expect them.
And everyone knows the biggest present comes in the smallest box.

Then there are those boxes you wish you had never opened.

Have a holly, jolly Christmas!

                                                            **Gossip Girl**

Fashion Tip # 1
you only need to wear
one pair of socks at a time.
and they belong on your feet...
not in your bra.
You're Straight? 
Well, so is spaghetti until you
heat it up.
screaming and fighting
kissing in the rain
it's two am and
i'm cursing your name
i'm so in love that i act insane
and that's
the way i loved you