
Joined: December 30, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 257499

Quotes by dont_let_me_fall_x

It's whatever.
No it's not whatever, I'm just saying that because I don't know how to explain myself.

You can have my ex.
He'll like Black Ops better.(; 
Well at least when 
I'm doing something else, I try talking to you.
When you're foing something else, you ignore me.
How does it feel to be replaced?
It hurts doesn't it? Thank you Karma.

Confession #9

It annoys me SO MUCH when people spam on witty. "Hey can you vote for me?" I mean, yes I'll vote for you, but you've already spammed hundreds of people, & you've already done like 5 contest
. AND when people spam us to read their stories. I mean, if you really like to write, then do it, not for fame. If you're a really good writer then YOU WILL be discovered.
*sorry just ranting*

Confessions of a Broken Heart #8

Right now, I'm blaring out music. Why? Because I'm being ignored by the person whose attention means the world to me. I'm always 2nd. always.

As always, I'm an option.