
Joined: August 24, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 327070
Gender: F

florenciatogno's Favorite Quotes

comment if you've cut
comment if you're depressed
comment if you're suicidal
comment if you suffer eating disorders
comment if you have anxiety
If you have anyone of these things I respect you
It's suicide awarness day
I love you all
It's My Birthday!!!

Can I have atleast 4 faves? :) xx




In English we are reading the book Speak
The main character is depressed,
she has axiety,
she cuts,
Everyone annoys her,
she hates school,

and she feels alone,
Someone needed to introduce that girl to Witty


forgeabout thboy
                         who forgot about you.

If you ever just
need to talk to someone
im here

ןǝqǝɹ ɐ ǝʞıן ,uıןǝǝɟ
This quote does not exist.
Its funny how I'm good at
giving advice to others, but when
it comes to helping myself, I
don't know what to do.


lobby--create chatroom---popout Randomness

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Format by Breeze ==


Friend has joined the chat
Guy I like: Hello
(2 hours later)
Me: How are you?
Guy i like: Fine
(15 minutes later)
Me: Have you got girlfriend?
He: Yes.
Me: :(

