
Joined: January 6, 2014
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 377261
Gender: F
Dontcha wish your girlfriend was a socially awkward teenage blogger with an unhealthy
obsession with fictional characters like me?
I can't hang out tomorrow i'm too busy doing nothing alone sorry...
Being a pizza delivery driver must be great because literally no one is disappointed to see you.

I am trying to find the reason that everyone judes teenagers. We are learning how to grow and branch out and you are hacking at our roots. If only we knew how to fully comunicate, then you wouldn't have killed us.
Society killed the teenager.

I am obsessed with the Mortal Instruments Series, Clockwork Angels Series, Misfits (the TV show, not the band), Percy Jackson Series, Lost Heroes Series, Kane Chronicles, Divergent Trilogy, Maximum Tide Series, Harry Potter Series, STARKID, Psych, Hunger Games Trilogy and a lot more.
I love drawing, painting, singing acting, writing and pretty much all forms of art.
2014 spoiler: I still won't have a boyfriend
I am a proud fangirl, talk to me anytime about any on my fandoms.
Er, I like pineapples and hanging with friend...
Ducks scare me and I love mangoes.