
Joined: November 15, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: August 13
user id: 238754
Gender: F
Hi! I'm Hannah :) I'm 16 years old, and a junior. Love to read, can't live without music. Breathe Carolina are the best!

hannkait17's Favorite Quotes

Gets Soap In Eye:

Might  as  well  just  accept  the  fact  that  I'll  never  see  again.



i hate it when strangers say
"i don't bite." yeah because the first thing i think when i meet somebody is "holy sh/t this b/tch is gonna bite me."


when websites ask for your age and
have "2012" as an option.
yeah, actually, i was born yesterday. i'm pretty smart for my age(;

 I'm gay for being a guy and like 1D? Then you're a lesbian for being a girl and liking Taylor Swift.

 I want a late night

I want someone to call me up and say,
“I’m outside. Let’s go do something!”
I want to go out late at night in my pj’s
and my hair all tied up.
Maybe drive around.
Go to a park and just swing on the swings.
Maybe sit in the grass and watch the stars
or maybe go to a 24 hour food place and pig out.
I just want a late night adventure with people I like to be around.
No drama.
Nothing but good vibes and good company...


Humor is attractive.
I love when a person can give me
a really good smile and/or laugh.
It doesn’t take a lot for me to like you.
If you can legitimately make me feel happy,
even in the slightest way,
I’ll fall for you right on the spot.
Humor is definitely a plus for me,
because then I know that on my worst days;
someone like you could always cheer me up again..

The Divorce Rate 
Amongst my socks is astonishing.

-tunblr. nmf.

"An old Cherokee told his grandson:

'My son, there's a battle between two wolves inside us all.

One is Evil.
It's anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego.

The other is Good.
It's joy, peace, love, hope, kindness and truth."

The boy thought about it, and asked:
"Grandfather, which wolf wins?"

The old man quietly replied:
"The one you feed."
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