
Joined: April 5, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 163358

Quotes by heartwindow

This city holds all the things I never wanted
but I cannot run away from them.

You don't even imagine what it's like to live like this.
and you don't even care.

You are now my lover,
but if you weren't, I'm pretty sure you would be undoubtedly
my best friend (which you already are).

As boyfriend and girlfriend we didn't work that well,
but I know that if I could get to know you again,
I would be with you over and over again.

My life is completely full..
of emptiness.

It's funny how something that once made you feel alive
all of the sudden makes you feel like
you were living the biggest lie.

I knew this was going to happen sooner or later,
but I was never strong enough to admit it and
fix it while there were still chances.

It hurts that people I love believe all of my lies,
but I know the one who I'm truly deceiving is me.

There's one thing that I don't want to admit;
I know what my heart feels and what I should do
but I'm so afraid, stubborn and proud that
I can't accept that is over.
That it is time to let it go.

It is when I feel most terrified and desperate about
when he comes and shows me that there are still
little things to smile about
(so I realize my problems are not everything)