
Joined: January 27, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 268354

Sooo I'm not sure what to put here but hmmm..

I luuuuvvvv volleyball =D

I'm super quiet when you first meet me and that comes off as mean but really I'm a nice gal just kinda scared to say hello =P

So say hi first =)

Once I know you I'll call you darling and hun and babe without thinking about it which definitely gives some guys a wrong idea haha

Yes, I am one of the millions of people who is trying to be cool and play guitar and keyboards but theyre mad chill intstruments so you should try them out

PS. I say awkward, mad, chill, intense, and gorgeous waaaaay too much so sorry =D

My new witty lalalala check it out bub its wonderfullllll =D