
Joined: February 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 154373
My name is Candy. I live in Ann Arbor Michigan. I have the awesomest friends a girl could ever need. If you want to get to know some check them out: peace_love_and_rainbows and loserlikeme17 and also justbreath12. I'm not what people want me to be. I'm myself and no one will ever change that I don't care if your my closest friend or even my boyfriend you'll never change me I am who I am and there's nothing else to say about that. If you really want to get to know me either leave a comment. If I really know you add me on facebook, comment and I'll tell you my facebook name.

Quotes by jerseyshore101

3 words, 8 letters, 3 syllables, 5 vowels, 3 consonants, 2 nouns, 1 emotion, many meanings, a big lie, a rare truth...
I love you
So There Is This Girl.....
She doesn't need to wear make up, she looks pretty without it. She doesn't always wear the right things, but she always looks fantastic. She's a little bit different, but that's why people love her. But I can honestly say she is beautiful, amazing, perfect, stunning and so so much more. Oh, and she's reading this right now.
No, were not dating

People say "hate" is such a strong word, yet they throw around "love" like its nothing


Don't make me mad then tell me to calm down.
That's like stabbing someone and wondering why they're bleeding.


 This goes out to all the boys on witty!

1. A girl will literally go through at least 5 outfits just to feel pretty for you.
2.  A  girl will think about something you said, bad or good,
all day sometimes longer.

3. A girl will change her whole personality, just to be what you want.
4. A girl will cry over one mean word you call her because she thought she loved you.
5. A girl will treasure anything nice you do, a love letter, even something hand made, just because it came from you.

6. A girl is very sensitive, so choose what you say carefully.
7. If a girl is truly in love with you, she will do her best to make you feel special... and hope you will do the same.
8. A girl will wait her day for a text from you so she knows you were  thinking about her.

9. A girl will call herself ugly just so you can tell her she's pretty.
10. When a girl says 'okay.' or 'I'm fine.' she most likely is not.
11. A girl will reread all the sweet texts from you and cherish them.
12. When a girl tells you she missed you, no one could miss you more than that.
13. A girl will have absolutely nothing to talk about but the conversation still means everything to her.   

Girl: Promise me I'm the only girl you'll ever love? 
Boy: I can't
 Girl: So there's someone else?
Boy: Yeah, she looks exactly like you, but she's younger. She's the one who's gonna call you mommy

I want love and not a lie. I want to smile not to cry.
 I want a man not a boy because my heart is not a toy.