
Joined: August 24, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 122216

Quotes by jessica10495

Only because I am bored out of my f●●king mind.

Time started: 8:31pm
gender: female
birthday: October 4th.
siblings: 2 brothers.
eye color: blue
shoe size: 8ishh
height: 5'6ishh
righty or lefty: righty
can you make a dollar in change right now: naahhh im brokeee.
who are your closest friends: Danaa, Amber, Curaa, Erica, Shelbyy, and many more.
best place for a date: depends on who it is.
where is your favorite place to shop: Hollister, Pacsun, Abercrombie.
favorite kind of plant? Roses<3
fave color? Lime green and Bright yellow<3
number: 4
fave boys name: I dont kow
fave girls name: dont know
fave sport: cheerleading
fave month: june and July
movies: finding nemo, dear john, the notebook, && pretty much every scary movie thats out theree
finger: middle. 
breakfast food: cereal.
cartoon character: elmoo&&patrickk<3
given anyone a bath: yes.
smoked: yess.
made yourself throw-up; naaahhh
gone skinny dipping: with dylan(;
eaten a dog: ew. no.
put your tongue on a frozen pole? yes.
loved someone so much it made you cry? yess. 
broken a bone? no(:
played truth or dare: yeahh
been in a physical fight: mhmm. 
been on a plane: yess
come close to dying: yeah. 
been in a sauna: yep
been in a hot tub: yess.(:
cried when someone died: yeah
cried in school: yes../:
fell off your chair: yess
wait for someone's phone call all night: yesss.
saved aim/yahoo conversations: whoo emails each other anymoree?
saved e-mails: nonneee
fallen for one of your best guy friends? yes...
made out with just a friend(guy friend)? kyleeee....
used someone:  kindaa?
what's your good luck charm?: my necklace my mom gave me.  
best song you ever heard: hmm. to many choices
what's your bedroom like: purple & green & zebraaa(:
last thing you said: mom im hungryy.
 what is beside you? a wallll.
last thing you ate: strawberriess<3
what kind of shampoo do you use? tresemmeeee 
best thing that has happened to you this year: meeting dylan... sorta
worst thing that has happened to you this year:  i lost my bestfriend/:
chicken pox:naahhh
sore throat:  yuppp
stitches: nahhh
broken nose: nahhh
do you believe in love at first sight?: yess; dylan.
like school: not really.
what schools have you gone to: pennridge slutville high school
eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: NO.
if you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: Dylan & him only. 
who was the last person that called you: Jalen
what makes you laugh the most?  anyone can make me laughh...
what makes you smile? everything, & dylan.
last person you yelled at:  my brother.
told you that they love you: Jalen
is your loudest friend: Gina&Cura&Me&Dana& pretty much all of my friends
do you like filling these out? yes, because everytime i wrote his name down i'd smile<3
do you wear contacts or glasses: glasses, but getting contacts
do you like yourself: sometimes
do you get along with your family:  yesss. sometimes
stolen anything over $50: naahhh
what are you listening to right now? wiz khalifa<3
what did you do yesterday: AMANDA'S PARTYY<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3,3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
got any awards: yesss.
what car do you wish to have: VW, Jetta<33
where do you want to get married: On the beach<3
if you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: my laughh, and smile.
good singer: hell no
have a lava lamp: i did. but then i broke it
how many remote controls are in your house: uhhh like 3 or 4.
double jointed:  kindaa
.what do you dream about: dylan<3
last time you showered: an hour agooo
last time you took a bath: when i was 5?
scary or happy movies : both; but mainly scary(:
chocolate or white chocolate:chocolatee(:
root beer or dr.pepper: dr pepperrr.
mud or jell-o wrestling: MUD. 
vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
summer or winter: summer,
silver or gold: silverr
diamond or pearl: Diamond
sunset or sunrise: Sunset
sprite or 7up: sprite
cats or dogs: doggsss.
coffee or tea: coffee
phone or in person: in person no matter what the situation.
indoor or outdoor: outdoor
end time: 8:40pm.

i wrote all of my weakness' down in inviible ink, so you couldn't tell anything was wrong behind this smile.
i wrote down all my mistakes down on invisible paper to show you that i had made no mistakes
i was hoping that out of all people you would see that i was not okay from the beginning
i was waiting for you of all people to ask if i was okay and what was wrong with me.
truth is, i expected alot from my bestfriend that was too good to be true

my quote no jocking thankss(:
my quote no jocking. 
i wrote all of my weakness' down in inviible ink, so you couldn't tell anyiihng was wrong behind this smile.
i wrote down all my mistakes down on invisible paper to show you that i had made no mistakes
i was hoping that out of all people you would see that i was not okay from the beginning
i was waiting for you of all people to ask if i was okay and what was wrong with me.
truth is, i expected alot from my bestfriend that was too good to be true.

instead; your out with your new "friends" actually you call them your "bestfriends" but i dont think a bestfriend would talk sh*t on you 24/7, me i never did i stood up for you. but i guess im not your bestfriend, your way too better with your new "friends" and leaving me in the dust hurts me the most, but you, your perfectly fine. i dont think you even care that i exsist anymore, im just a person to you now and its killing me inside.

sorry, just venting/:
Is it just me, or does anybody else love wiz khalifa quotes? <3

3 things I want in a relationship:
eyes that wontcry; lips that wontlie; andlove that wont die.
- wiz khalifa<3

Unlike you,  I actually ment what i said
Unlike you, I don't talk about my friends behind their backs, especially my bestfriend
Unlike you, I'm not a two faced b*tch
Unlike you, I'm a real girl trying to find her place in this fake world.

* My quote no jocking(; *

When the world turns on you, always remember that i'm still gonna be by your side<3
&&.. I wake up every morning thinking about you ♥
Everyday at 11:11 i wish for you because your all that I think about<3