
Joined: November 1, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 233287
Gender: F

Quotes by kaitlynmichelle

let me refresh your memory, i was the one who took your bullshit. i was the one who cared about you. i was the one who stuck around even when everyone told me to leave.  i was the one who loved you even when you gave me every reason not too, lastly i was the one who was there for you when no one else was.
i'm no where near okay anymore.
since graduation i've lost all my friends had to drop out of my college classes because of the stress from losing everyone in such a small amount of time and didn't want to fail so i took a grade of a W which doesn't hurt my GPA but i feel stupid. i got a therapist to talk to which is great i only have my ex boyfriend who told me he doesn't love me but yet when we hangout we do things why i do this to myself i don't know we were in love once maybe it's still there who knows all i know is i don't eat anymore and when i do my body rejects it i only see my ex now since he's the only one whose stayed. i cry everyday i'm constantly sad i don't go anywhere i go to work, brandon's (my ex) when he's off of work, or i just stay home. what a life. everyone said things would fall in to place instead of doing that things for me have just fallen apart. sorry for venting and thankyou whoever read this i just needed to get it out..
I don't know what hurts more. that we don't speak, or when we speak it's not the same.

my mistake for thinking you actually cared.

Three things I want in a relationship: Eyes that wont cry, lips that wont lie, and love that wont die.
i say i'd rather be with you, but you are not around so i'mma call somebody up and see if they be down cause i hate sleeping alone.
i surrender who i've been for who you are, for nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart. if i had only felt how it feels to be yours, well, i would have known what I've been living for all along.

i want you to fight back with me so i know that you care enough to never back down. i want you to text back immediately so i know you want to talk to me as much as i wanna talk to you. i want you to show how much you care about me everyday even if i always push you away. i want you to mean everything you say and to never lie to me. i really just want you to love me as much as i love you.
forever is a long time, but i wouldn't mind spending it by your side.