
Joined: February 27, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 155741

kileyj's Favorite Quotes

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expect the


When I said I'd tap that,

 I meant with my car. 

At full speed.

Do you ever cry for no reason? The answer will always be No! For me, I cry not because I miss him but because I'm afraid of losing him again. Every time I see his face my heart fills to the top and I cry. Not for joy, or happiness, but because I might not see his smiling face the next time he's there. He has feelings and he gets pushed and takes it out on himself. But he is perfect and there is always a reason to cry over him because the next time you see him he might not see you as you but as the loser that cries over everything. But guys will never understand why you were actually crying that night in his arms when he was saying goodbye. Those are the best and the worst times in my life.

Your the only person that makes my heart

beat faster and slower at the same time<3

[the hot chick]


dear 6,

stop spreading rumors about me eating 9. I hear you guys do some pretty nasty things together.

sincerely, 7.

 who do you think you are? 
[running around] leaving scars, collecting your jar of hearts. 

      that akward moment:

when your in a store talking loud and then the music shuts off.