
Joined: June 12, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 112044

laurenbross's Favorite Quotes

I always told my friends I wanted a ring for graduation

are    sometimes    the    best    memories. //

The silence between us
 s c r e a m s   t h e   t r u t h .

oh! I'sorry 
did my back hurt your k n i f e ?

hat is wrong with you?

How dare you make fun of someone for something they can't control?

She has acne. -  Do you think she chose to have red spots all over her face?
Her nose is big. - Who cares? Is she supposed to get plastic surgery? Hmm?
She has crooked teeth. - I've never met someone who got braces just for fun.
She wears glasses. - Do you think people like being half-blind? They don't.
Her hair is frizzy. - Some people don't like frying their hair w/ a straightener.
She's not a size 0. - Oh, I'm sorry that some of us aren't afraid to eat cookies.

mperfection  i beautiful.

I am trying to
prove to my boyfriend that
any girl on the face of the earth
would get annoyed if
her man was out at
10:30 at night with
2 other girls and a guy
without her.

* pleeeease favorite if
this would get you annoyed!
i know i am >:(


when i was five years old,
my mom told me, always told me,
that happiness was the key to life.
when i went to school, they asked me
what i wanted to be when i grew up.
i wrote down, "happy".
they told me i didn't understand the assignment.
& i told them they didn't understand life .

the spaces between my
fingers are right where yours fit

I wanna celebrate
and live my life:)

{aint that something to celebrate?}

-"dynamite" by taio cruz
When you love someone;
You gotta love everything about them
Not just the good things,
but the bad things too.

The things that you find lovable
and the things that you don't find lovable