
Joined: December 31, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 62139
s o  
y e a h  ,

i'm only pretty when i want to be,
i eat when i'm bored,
sometimes i'm really insecure,
i think i'm the fattest one out of all my friends,
i straiten my hair almost every other day,
i actually love it when guys call me hot,
sometimes i just wanna be home and sit in my pjs,
sometimes i love how i look when i try,
i love getting compliments,
i lie to get out of messes,
i've been in a bad rumor,
i'm just a girl,

d e a l 
w i t h  i t .

leahbrownlie's Favorite Quotes

 It doesn't get hotter,  than Harry Potter
I'd get sleazy, for Ron Weasley
Be my big boy,    Draco Malfoy
I'd jump in bed,   with George and Fred
What's under your capeSeverus Snape?
Play my fiddleTom Riddle
Grab my bum,  Victor Krum
Fancy a smack,   Sirius Black?
I'd have it rough,  with a Hufflepuff
On all fours,   Gryffindors
credit for the edit,
Not mine,
sorry for jocking
Credit for whoever (:
 Willy Wonka;*
Everything in this room is eatable, I am eatable, But that, my dear children is called cannibalism, and is in fact, frowned upon in most societys;*♥
(( H e r : ))
Shut up!
I wear heels bigger than your dick!
(( H i m : )) 
But...you don't wear heels.
(( H e r : )) 
I know.
50 Things To Do Before Summer *(:

. Randomly get out of your seat and sit on the floor.
2. If the person next to you is quiet, turn and inform them that they are distracting you.
3. Color red dots all over your arm and show the teacher, and tell her/him that you are allergic to School.
4. Take out sock puppets and play with them, and occasionally have them grab your classmate’s hair. When the teacher looks, keep the sock on your hand and point to your classmate and tell the teacher that the classmate is attacking you with puppets.
5. If your teacher walks around the room during the test, cover your test and glare at them suspiciously.
6. When the teacher calls on you to answer a question, talk in a creepy voice and say `I’ll never tell’ and a few questions later raise your hand and ask why you haven’t been allowed to answer a question yet.
7. When coming back from bathroom, walk through the door. Then ask how you got there.
8. Raise your hand and ask if you can be excused to skip class.
9. Stand up and introduce yourself at the beginning of class (even though everyone knows you). Inform everyone that you have had `the problem’ for three years now. Then act confused and ask if the class is Alcoholics Anonymous.
10. Write `Gullible’ on a piece of paper. Tape that piece of paper to the floor, ceiling, or chalkboard. Then tell everyone there is gullible written on the ___(floor ceiling or chalkboard).
11. Yell out STOP DROP AND ROLL.
12. If someone speaks over the intercom, curl up in fetal position under your desk and say `It’s the voices again.’
13. Randomly get up and run a lap around the room, then sit down and act as if nothing had happened.
14. Get up and get a tissue, then just stand and stare at the tissue. If asked what you are doing by the teacher, claim that you are having a staring contest with the tissue and you’re sure you are about to win.
15. Lead your class in a sing-a-long.
16. Invent an imaginary hamster. Ask everyone if they would like to hold him. 
17. In a creepy voice say to everyone `You will die in seven days’ Act like nothing had happened.
18. Get up to sharpen your pencil or find a tissue, then stand up there and look around. Then cry out `I’m lost ’
19. Ask if you can teach the class.
20. Act like you’re in the army, saluting to teachers and calling them ma’am and sir. March everywhere.
21. If a teacher isn’t already in the classroom, when they enter, inform them that they are late and should report to the principal.
Like, say `like,’ like, a lot…like
22. Draw a flipbook at the bottom right corner of your notebook.
23. .Re-enact or make up your very own 50-minute silent movie.
24. Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that. 
25. Leave your zipper open for one hour. If anyone points it out, say, Sorry, I really prefer it this way .
26. When someone says Have a nice day , tell them you have other plans .
27. Hold up a piece of paper that says in large letters CHECK YOUR FLY .
28. Shout WOW after every sentence of the lecture.
29. Ask whether you have to come to class.
30. Every few minutes, take a sheet of notebook paper, write Signup Sheet at the top, and start passing it around the room.
31. Stand to ask questions. Bow deeply before taking your seat after the professor answers.
32. Interrupt every few minutes to ask the professor, Can you spell that?
33. Disassemble your pen. Accidentally propel pieces across the room while playing with the spring. Go on furtive expeditions to retrieve the pieces. Repeat.
34. Bring a small cactus to class with you. Raise your hand, and when you’re called on, say that the cactus has a question. Turn and look at the cactus, as if you’re waiting for it to say something. After a few moments, shrug, and wait for your professor to move on. Do this once a day, and become increasingly irritated with the cactus every time, sighing heavily and giving it evil looks when it fails to “speak.” When you leave the room after class, start yelling at the cactus, “I can’t believe you embarrassed me AGAIN….”
35. Carve a bust of your professor out of cheese. Tie a ribbon around it, and present it to him/her at the beginning of class. Demand extra credit.
36. Get the whole class to show up a few minutes early, and throw a surprise party for your professor. Insist that you can’t start class until he/she has a piece of cake. Keep asking people when the strippers are going to arrive.
37. Start asking questions in a fake foreign language. Act like your professor is stupid for not being able to understand you. Get other people in the class to start speaking the fake language too, and have frequent discussions during class. Act like you’re really interested in what you’re discussing. If your professor tries to interrupt or stop you, act annoyed and motion for him/her to quiet down.
38. Wait for your professor to mention a date, and then yell out, “Bingo!” Apologize, and explain that you got confused.
39. Organize a whole bunch of people to fall off their chairs at the same time.
40. Superglue coins to the floor, count how many people try to pick them up.
41. Write fake love notes and slip them into people’s lockers
42. When you use the bathroom, get a LOT of soap on your hands (If it’s the slimy kind), but don’t wash it off, just leave goo all over doorknobs, railings, etc.
43. Screaming gibberish in crowded hallways is always good for a laugh.
44. Run around the school suspiciously with your hands in a gun shape while humming the misson impossible tune.
45. Look at the person next to you for a while then say “your one of them!” then run out the class room.
46. Stand up and pretend you are a flight attendent and review the emergency procedures and exits.
47. name your pen Mr Pen, talk to him often, cry and go mad if Mr pen commits suicide (falls off the table).
Any More?! Commment if there aree(; Allll mine, doont joke, or i'll find youu...(:
it's really pathetic
how i keep trying to hold on
to something that's
not coming back.

..And i bet you never even noticed..

..That she only laughs louder when your around
She makes sure she's smiling at that exact moment she passes you in the hall.
Even if its only once a day.
Wherever she is, she's always secretly looking for you,too.
She peeks at you from the corner of her eyes, when she think your not looking.
Every time you laugh, she smiles. She can't help it.
Her eyes sparkle when ever someone mentions your name.
If another girl mentions your name, she gets automatically jealous.
She daydreams about you..
..And i bet you never even noticed..

..That girl is me.
i'm the girl that would
choose sweatpants  over  skirts  anyday.  i'm the  girl
whose  room looks like a  tornado went through it.  i'm
the  girl that doesnt wake up extra early to look nice.
i'm  the  girl that has two hairstyles ; up or down. i'm
the girl  that eats . i'm the  girl that can't walk in heels
without killing  myself  .. or someone else.  i'm the  girl
that  doesn't  pretend  to  be  stupid.  i'm  the girl  that
means  what  she  says.   i'm  the  girl  that  manages  to
hold myself  together,  and  say  i'm   fine,   even  when
everything  is   going  wrong.   i'm  the  girl  with  her
middle finger  held  high.  i'm the  girl   thats  tougher
than a lot  of guys. and i'm the girl that really doesn't

care what people think.

Me and my little five year old cousin were walking in the park

When I bumped into him. We started talking.

My little cousin looked up at him and  asked, "Are you in love with her?"

I blushed furiously, apologizing for her behavior.

He said to me, "Don't worry. It's ok." Then he knelt down and looked at my cousin.

"Haha no," he said. "She's just an amazing friend."

Then he got up and walked away .

Before I could scold her, my cousin looked up at me, smiled, and said,

"He lied." 


nd it was then she finally realized

            it was time to let go.   She couldn't keep going on like this,   couldn't keep turning to him, leaning on him for strength.
            S h e   c o u l d n ' t   k e e p    c r a w l i n g   b a c k   t o   h i m   e v e r y   s i n g l e   t i m e   h e   l e t   h e r  
            //////////////////////          down and left her sad. He left her hanging by the thinnest of threads one too many times and
                                    after what seemed like forever, she let him go.