
Joined: April 10, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 291194

loltrueiwanttofyou's Favorite Quotes

What way does the world spin?
One Direction

don't be

afraid of change.

you may end up loosing

something good

but you will probably end up gaining

something better
This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.
lol your annoying.

and i know for a second there i crossed your mind, you just dont want to admit it


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Life is hard, but  its even harder for stupid people like you .
Format by Sandrasaurus

Did you have lucky charms today for breakfast? because you look magicly delicious .

Why is it not okay to write a fav if quote, but it is okay to write pointless quotes on one direction?


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This quote does not exist.