
Joined: October 13, 2011
Last Seen: 6 years
user id: 226763
heeeyyyyy!! my name be maddiiee..i'm 13 and in 8th grade..i blow candles out on febuary 6!! lol  :)  my friends are so much fun and i love them soo very much!! i love the colors bluuee and purplee, soccer & basketball, and anything that makes me smile or laugh!
i lovvee youu  ;) follow & i'll follow back!!


Quotes by maddiec98

hearing your voice
                                  seeing you smile
                                                                 watching you laugh

remembering these and wishing you could come back for a while...

a person can be "okay" for only so long...
until they realize everything could be so much better with you here

they say whatever goes up must come down...
but they lied.

and i'm starting to loose hope of knowing everyone's "okay" with this

If you obey all the rules...

you miss all the fun!

when your teacher walks into a pole and everyone points and laughs
...then he mimics you and tells you to shutup...

when you lose someone that you can't replace
the tears come streaming down your face

Could it be worse?



flying is learning
how to throw yourself
at the ground and miss


we found Dove in a
soap-less place

the awkward moment when you see your christmas list in the trash...
oh, i guess i'm not getting anything i want for christmas??

What if I say no ?
What if I say yes?

i'm scared to make a desicion that
i'll forever regret...