
Status: Can't wait for L.A.!!
Joined: March 29, 2014
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 380439
Gender: F



The names Marina. I have a kitten named Lana Del Rey & a love for the same gender, and I also have a beautiful girlfriend named Gabby♥
View count: 47

marinacadence's Favorite Quotes

                   I sleep to x|||x


Wait a couple months,
then you're gonna see,
                                          you'll never find noboody

better than me.

& I will try to fix you.

"Big boobs don't count if you're fat."

Sure, and a big dick doesn't count if you are one.
I don't see how people can socialize so easily like I can barely talk to a restaurant waiter.

The life may leave my lungs, but my heart will stay with you.♥

It's in the hardest times
that we grow the most.

Teacher: "Can you please tell the class why you're so late?"
Me: Someone told me to go to hell
Me: Couldn't find it at first
Me: But now I'm here


when I say “I wish they would turn this book into a movie” what I really mean is “I wish they would turn this book into a 17-hour-long spectacle that includes every single solitary detail and doesn’t deviate at all from the storyline and has perfect casting”