
Joined: March 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 157608

miasparkle's Favorite Quotes

wanna hear a funny joke?
our friendship.

love those times when you are in the worst time and your best friends hug u and say they love you!

like this if you have best friend who does that
This quote does not exist.
Love is like two people holding a rubber band, we pull, then when one person let's go, it's the person who held on that gets hurt


Dont tell me you love
me if you dont really
mean it..

cause i might do something crazy
believe it

. ......

If I can do just one tenth
of the good Micheal Jackson did.....
I can really make a difference in this world!

      -Justin Bieber<3

In three words

        I can sum up everything I've learned about life.


        It goes on

b    a     d              d     a     y      ?
there's  a Taylor Swift  song  for  that.

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