
Joined: January 21, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 266002
As I wait for you
Over a cup of mocha
I think of your eyes
Burnt umber, lips
Caramel cake
Your hands warm
Wrapped around the
Coffee mug, my eyes
Pinwheel rolls, kiss
Like coffee liqueur
I wait for you
Among these brews
I write these lines
The teaspoon shines
Missing your outlines
Coffee gone cold
Tissue paper rolled
Made into a fold
Stories gone untold
All the muffins sold
My love in a coffee urn
With a heavy heart
I say goodbye to the
Cappuccino and clutch
At the hope that maybe
Tomorrow you will be
Sitting across and
Stirring the sugar
In my mocha and me.

Cup of Mocha-- Reshma Ramesh
We all know Peppermint Mochas are the best.

Teacup Heart

Quotes by mocha

I miss that cup of steaming 
Peppermint Mocha
in my hands,
watching snow fall outside.

format by mocha