
Joined: August 15, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 120890
hey witty girls <3. so basically i just make quotes about whatever is going on in my life, or if i find a cool quote i like *usually from twitter* i like to make it. i vent a lot, and i like coming on here to hear about other people going through the same kinda stuff as me :)

twitter: mollay825

oohhhh and taylor swift is my idol.

being in love with your bestguyfriend who is still in love with his ex-girlfriend even though he hooked up with you but then told you to keep it a secret because he doesn't want people to know he's gotten with anyone since him and his girlfriend broke up... fun right?  but then you realize a month later that your whole friendship was just him using you. you were on a list of girls he wanted to get with. so he treated you better than any guy ever treated you, acted like your best friend, drove you wherever you needed, & then after you hook up its done. no more surprise pokes & hugs in the hallways, no more funny awkward looks from across the hallway, no more holding hands, no more crazy text convos, no more hearing 'i love you'. to me it was real, to him, i was no more than a game.


mollay825's Favorite Quotes

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This quote does not exist.


I miss your tan skin,

your sweet smile,
so good to me,
so right 
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never regret

any choices that you ever made, any promises you've ever  told, and secrets you've ever kept, any boy that you ever loved, any friend who stabbed you in the back, any girl who ever talked about you, any secret obsession that you have, any bad grade you've ever gotten, any weird secrets about yourself, any weird things you might have said or done, anything that makes you, you.
all of the things you've done, and are going to do in life will matter in the long run, never regret any of it because you think it's weird or gross or mean, never regret something is a part of who you are. you would never regret yourself and you should never regret any of the things you've done either.

-please no jocking! <3


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On Facebook,
You linger in my chat-box
In a sense I am dying to talk to you
But really I'm not
I told you how I felt
Sadly, you don't feel the same
We are still good friends
Our friendship is awesome. still
So many laughs
And so many memories that will stay imprinted in my mind
Do I regret telling you how I feel?
The sad part is that you knew
But I am glad I told you
And it is between us
But now I am letting this out
To my Witty girls
Like Butterflies let out of a chrysalis
The chapter of me liking you is now concluded
Let's pick up where we left off with our friendship
I love you, as my friend. 

Its strange how the person that loves you the most can hurt you the worst