
Joined: March 19, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 159131
If you fall in love with two people, always chose the second, because if you truley loved the first, you wouldn't have fallen for the second.
hie, i'm angelica. i'm fourteen and a freshie. WOO. excitment. I live in cowtown. cows are cool. my favorite witties are hannah, katie, nancy, erica, and kylie. cause they're cool like that. if you need advice, ask. i give good advice. ;3 okay, peace broskii.

Quotes by myduckiesayswoof

Follow me on tumblr

then message me and tell

me you got my link from

witty, and i'll follow and promo you:)



& i'll promo you:D


I just saw a quote on Witty

that absolutely disgusted me. The quote was a user talking about how gay people and lesbians are monsters, and saying "Get them ded!!! Say goodbye to homoz!" Seriously, that's not okay. I thought by now that people had gotten past saying that homosexuals are different. Just because they like something different from us, or rather something the same, doesn't mean they aren't people. I don't understand how someone could live with themselfs, saying that an entire group of people should die. It blows my mind that someone could be that rude. I personally have a gay best friend and two gay cousins. They're the most kind, considerate people I've ever met. People who judge them are the ones that deserve be judged.

sorry, just needed to vent..

       Mind blown.


 After everything I've put up with just to be your friend, you're going to start ignore me? Yeah, I hope kicked in the face by a horse.

When all else fails
 and you think you're alone

 Just remember
 I'm still here.

nmf; credit to thatsacex3

So I hear you like hot girls?
Yeah, and?

I have a fever..

Do you hear that?

It's my heart.

Screaming out

just for you.



i want my happy ending

but that's not going to happen with you..
