
Joined: December 20, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 140871

pdelaney6's Favorite Quotes

Shut up &,
Kiss  me.


There is always that girl
who loves that boy,
that loves another.


There's no maybe, or in between.
Either you love me,
or you don't.

So figure it out soon. 


My goal for 2011;

Finally tell him

I never got over him


Why am I still holding on
when I know I have no chance?


people are going to ask me;
                   "did you get everything you wanted for christmas?"      

                                                                                                            my response; "no, i didn't get him"

mineee. don't care if it's pretty or not. juust speaakin' the truuth
If your just waiting
for 11/11/11
so you can make a wish at 11:11

11/11/11 11:11 <3

I love holidays
it gives me a good excuse to
text him

Boy- Whats your biggest wish?

Girl- To kiss someone in the rain. And you?
Boy- To be the one to kiss you in the rain ♥

that depressing moment when
 y o u   f i n d   o u t   t h e r e s   n o   m o r e   g i f t s   f o r   y o u
u n d e r   t h e   c h r i s t m a s  t r e e .