
Joined: May 15, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 174726

Quotes by prettylies21

Ugh, I don't know what to do anymore.
I am SO sick of being alone all the time.
I am lonely.
I can't say I'm UNhappy,
but I'm not really happy AT ALL, at the same time.
I have all these little crushes, but everytime i hear that someone likes me,
I BACK OFF! what the hell right?
Well, the truth is...I'm SUPER picky.
I want the type of guy I read about in my books.
I want that strong, safe harbor.
I want a beautiful guy.
I'm not the prettiest, and I know that no guy like that will EVER go for a girl like me.
But thats what I want.
And i want it soooooo dang bad that, well.
im letting myself be lonely until i find what i want....
Isn't that HORRIBLE?!

they tell you to follow your dreams,
but how can i do that,
while sitting in this room?
im stuck in this place,
its never ending.
they tell you to never judge anyone.
if thats the case,
why can you judge me by a letter?
you've taught me how to count,
you've taught me how read and write,
but something you can never teach me
is how to get over a broken heart.
you can never teach me how to handle loosing a loved one.
you're not teaching me to be prepared for the real world.
you're teaching me how to be a clone.


My Dreams are as big as the sky.
And one day
I'll learn how to fly.